Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I don't have any sled pictures of this season yet so this one is from December 2009. This is me last year with the main team.

This was our last ATV run of the year a couple of weeks ago. Jerry Papke & Ali Dodge came up to run their dogs with us & have some passing practice. Larry & I combined our teams & ran one 18 dog team together. Jerry & Ali ran a 16 dog team. That was a lot of dogs on the trail! It was a good, uneventful run, except for the fishtailing around turns.

  • We have been busy, as usual. In October we went up to the Shaws for their rig session. It was a great time! It just isn't long enough! It is so much fun to see all our musher friends and meet new ones! The dogs had awesome passing practice!

  • In November, we split our time between deer hunting & dog training. We had two nice 8 points coming in where we hunt. They were too smart though & wouldn't come out till after dark. So, they will live on another year.

  • We had our first sled run of the year on December 3rd. Man, is that ever way more fun than the ATV! The dogs have been doing super! We are definetly looking forward to getting our toughest month of training out of the way and for the races to begin! Our first race is January 8th, the Taqhuamenon Country Sled Dog Race. Larry and I will both be running in the 8 dog pro, 43 mile race. We will keep you posted on how it turns out. Check out our website: to follow the race. We have all the links to our 2011 races on our site under "races". Hope you all have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!